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bail hearing

Applying for Bail in NSW: What to Expect

When a person is charged with a criminal offence in New South Wales (NSW), they may be taken into custody. In many cases, the accused has the right to apply for bail, allowing them to remain in the community while awaiting trial or court hearings. The process of…
weapon possession

Illegal Weapons Possession in NSW: What Constitutes an Offence?

In New South Wales, the possession, use, and sale of weapons are strictly regulated under the Weapons Prohibition Act 1998. This legislation outlines what constitutes a prohibited weapon and the legal requirements for possession, use and distribution. Violating these laws can result in severe criminal penalties, including imprisonment. It…

Contravening an AVO in NSW: Laws, Penalties, and Defences Explained

When an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) is issued in New South Wales, it operates as a legal safeguard designed to protect individuals from various types of harm and/or harassment. Contravening or breaching an AVO is a serious offence with significant legal consequences. Understanding what constitutes a breach and…

Understanding Drug Trafficking Charges in NSW: Laws, Penalties, and Defence Strategies

Facing drug trafficking charges in New South Wales (NSW) can feel overwhelming. These charges carry severe penalties, and understanding the laws surrounding them is crucial for anyone navigating this complex legal landscape. Whether you are directly involved or trying to support someone else, knowing what constitutes drug trafficking…

Client Success: Social Influencer Recovers Full Payment + Interest

At Conditsis Lawyers, we recently achieved a fantastic result for a social media influencer who was left unpaid for their hard work. A business engaged the influencer from another State in Australia to market their product but failed to honour their payment agreement. Our team stepped in, obtained…

Are Online Wills Here to Stay?

In today’s digital age, convenience and speed are often priorities. Online Will services have emerged as a popular option for those seeking a quick and seemingly affordable way to manage their estate planning. But while online Wills offer an easy solution, the risks of relying on these services…

Driving Forward: Securing an Outstanding Outcome for Our Client in Newcastle Court

Our criminal solicitor, Mr Sam Oakley, recently appeared before Newcastle Local Court for a client facing two charges: firstly, driving whilst suspended and, secondly, low-range drink-driving. These charges carry significant penalties, including automatic licence disqualification, gaol time and hefty fines. Mr Oakley presented compelling submissions on behalf of…

From Classroom to Courtroom: Inspiring Future Legal Minds

Kayla Nielsen, Associate in Criminal Law, had the wonderful opportunity to speak to the Year 12 Legal Studies class at the Central Coast Adventist school. During the class Kayla shared her personal journey throughout schooling, university, and work experience, all of which influenced her decision to pursue criminal…