Illegal Weapons Possession in NSW: What Constitutes an Offence?

In New South Wales, the possession, use, and sale of weapons are strictly regulated under the Weapons Prohibition Act 1998. This legislation outlines what constitutes a prohibited weapon and the legal requirements for possession, use and distribution. Violating these laws can result in severe criminal penalties, including imprisonment.

It is essential to understand which weapons are classified as prohibited and the potential legal consequences of possessing them without proper authorisation. This guide outlines what constitutes illegal weapons possession in NSW, common offences, penalties, and available legal defences.

Key Takeaways

  • Illegal weapons possession in NSW is governed by the Weapons Prohibition Act 1998.
  • Possession of a prohibited weapon without a valid permit is a serious criminal offence.
  • Prohibited weapons include items such as flick knives, knuckle dusters, certain spear guns and crossbows, tasers, anti-personnel spray (eg, capsicum spray) and certain laser pointers.
  • Penalties range from fines to lengthy terms of imprisonment, depending on the type of weapon and the nature of the offence.
  • Legal defences may apply, but expert legal advice is crucial for anyone facing such charges.

What Is a Prohibited Weapon?

The Weapons Prohibition Act 1998 defines a prohibited weapon as any item that has been deemed dangerous or has the potential to cause harm. The Act outlines specific weapons that require a permit for legal possession.

Examples of Prohibited Weapons in NSW:

  • Switchblades or flick knives
  • Knuckle dusters
  • Slingshots
  • Tasers and stun guns
  • Crossbows (without a permit)
  • Certain laser pointers (exceeding 1 milliwatt output)
  • Maces and pepper spray (without proper licensing)
  • Batons and extendable or telescopic batons

It is illegal to possess, use, or carry any of these items without a valid permit issued under NSW law.

Offences Related to Illegal Weapons

Examples of prohibited weapons are:

1. Possession Without a Permit

Possessing a prohibited weapon without holding a valid permit is a criminal offence under Section 7 of the Weapons Prohibition Act 1998.


  • Fines of up to $110,000
  • Imprisonment for up to 14 years

2. Use of a Prohibited Weapon

Using a prohibited weapon without authorisation, especially in a public place or during the commission of another crime carries severe penalties.


  • Up to 14 years’ imprisonment

3. Trafficking or Selling Prohibited Weapons

The sale or distribution of prohibited weapons without proper licensing is a serious offence, often treated similarly to firearms trafficking, pursuant to Section 23A of the Weapons Prohibition Act 1998.


  • Imprisonment for up to 14 years
  • Heavy fines for businesses or individuals engaged in illegal sales

Legal Defences for Weapons Possession Charges

If you are charged with illegal weapons possession, several legal defences may apply depending on the unique circumstances of your case:

  • Lack of Knowledge: If you were unaware that the prohibited weapon was in your possession. However, it is not a defence if you were unaware the item is defined by law as a prohibited weapon.
  • Lawful Authority: If you had a valid permit or were exempt under specific regulations.
  • Necessity or Duress: If the possession was necessary to avoid immediate danger or if you were coerced into possessing the weapon.
  • Mistaken Identity: In cases where the accused was wrongly identified as the offender.

These defences can be complex, and it is crucial to seek advice from a qualified criminal lawyer experienced in prohibited weapons offences.

How to Apply for a Prohibited Weapons Permit

If you need to possess a prohibited weapon for a “genuine reason” such as work or legitimate recreational use, you can apply for a Prohibited Weapons Permit with the Commissioner of the NSW Police through the Firearms Registry. Applicants must demonstrate a genuine reason for the permit, undergo background checks, and meet strict storage and safety requirements.

Common reasons for permit approval include:

  • Employment in security or law enforcement
  • Membership in recreational or sporting clubs
  • Historical re-enactment purposes.
  • Public museum purposes.
  • Use in specific industries (e.g., pest control)

What to Do If You Are Charged

  1. Seek Immediate Legal Advice: A criminal lawyer can review your case, assess potential defences, and guide you through court proceedings.
  2. Do Not Make Incriminating Statements: Consult your lawyer prior to providing information to the police. You are entitled to exercise your right to silence.
  3. Prepare Evidence: Gather any documentation, permits, or evidence that supports your defence.
  4. Consider Plea Options: Depending on the circumstances, your lawyer may advise negotiating a charge resolution so you can plea guilty to a lesser charge.


Illegal weapons possession in NSW is a serious offence with potentially severe legal consequences. Understanding what constitutes a prohibited weapon and the associated penalties is essential for staying within the law.

If you are charged with a weapons offence, seeking immediate legal advice can help protect your rights and improve your chances of a favourable outcome. The team at Conditsis Lawyers have a history of successfully defending clients against a wide range of criminal charges, including firearms and weapons offences.
Please contact us today.

by Liam Loader

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