The Trusted Family Lawyers on the Central Coast

When you need the best family law team, with expertise across all family law matters as well as understanding and compassion, choose Conditsis Lawyers.

Professional guidance on family law and divorce law matters from the Central Coast’s best local solicitors.

At Conditsis Lawyers, our sympathetic and experienced team of local solicitors understand the emotional and financial impact law proceedings can have on you and your family. With nearly 30 years of experience advising our clients on family and divorce law matters, we can quickly assess your legal position, obligations and options. We will assist you in all your negotiations.

The main focus of our local family lawyers and solicitors on the Central Coast, Sydney and Newcastle is to resolve your matter through mediation and negotiation outside the courtroom. However, if mediation and negotiation fail to bring satisfactory results, your lawyer will be with you throughout the litigation process to ensure that you are fully informed of all your options so you can make the best decisions for you and your family.

Our top specialist family solicitors are committed to actively working towards the best outcome for you and your loved ones. We don’t just focus on dollars, property or other assets, but also, where possible, we work towards preserving family relationships which can work for you in the long term. Our lawyers do this for clients on the Central Coast, Newcastle, Sydney and across Australia. We fully understand all the different aspects of divorce and other personal matters involved. That’s why we’re often regarded as the best local family lawyers.

For the best advice from experienced and qualified local, solicitors and divorce lawyers who you can trust, book an appointment and arrange a meeting with one of our family law specialists on the Central Coast, Sydney or Newcastle.

Areas Of Family Law

We can assist you in any of the following areas, and when you are ready, one of our team will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Our expertise and experience in advising clients on family law and negotiating the family law system sets us apart.

When you need the best family lawyers for your matter, choose Conditsis. Contact us today.

Flexible Funding Options for Legal Fees

At Conditsis Lawyers, we understand that the financial strain of family law matters—such as divorce, property settlements, financial disputes, and custody arrangements—can be overwhelming. That’s why we offer various funding options, including partnerships with trusted litigation funders JustFund and Plenti Finance, to provide flexible funding solutions that allow you to access the legal representation you need, without the burden of upfront costs.

How Litigation Funding Works

Litigation can be costly and stressful, especially when you’re already dealing with personal challenges. Through our partnerships with JustFund and Plenti Finance, we offer funding options that help you move forward with your family law matter, giving you the freedom to focus on your case without the constant worry of mounting legal fees. These trusted funders provide lines of credit or loans specifically designed to cover legal expenses, ensuring that you can proceed with your matter without the immediate need for payment.

The application process is straightforward and quick, typically taking just 20 minutes to complete. JustFund and Plenti Finance assess your case individually, considering factors unique to your situation, such as the merit of your matter and your financial circumstances—going beyond traditional credit scores.

Benefits of Litigation Funding

Litigation funding offers several key advantages for clients facing financial challenges:

  • Access to Legal Advice and Guidance: With JustFund and Plenti Finance, you can access the funds you need to pursue your family law matter, ensuring that financial barriers don’t prevent you from achieving a fair outcome.
  • No Upfront Costs: You won’t need to worry about paying for legal fees upfront. The funding is provided to cover legal expenses as they arise throughout your matter.
  • Flexible Payment Solutions: The repayment structure is tailored to your post-settlement circumstances, meaning you only repay the funding after you receive a settlement or judgment.
  • Quick and Easy Process: The application process is efficient and simple, typically taking just 20 minutes to complete. Importantly, your credit score is not impacted by the application.

Eligibility for Litigation Funding

 To be eligible for funding through JustFund or Plenti Finance, your case will be assessed based on several factors, including:

  • The Value of Your Asset Pool: This may include real estate, funds held in solicitor trust accounts, and independently valued businesses.
  • Legal Costs: The expected legal costs of your case will be evaluated.
  • The Likely Settlement Outcome: Your case will be assessed for its merits and the likelihood of success.
  • Your Financial Situation: Both JustFund and Plenti Finance take a holistic view of your financial circumstances, rather than relying solely on credit scores. This ensures litigation funding is accessible to those who might otherwise struggle to afford quality legal representation.

How to Apply for Funding

The application process is simple and can be completed online in approximately 20 minutes. Once the funding provider has reviewed your case, they will offer you a line of credit to cover legal fees, which will be paid directly to Conditsis Lawyers. Repayment is typically structured to coincide with the settlement of your matter, so you can focus on achieving the best possible outcome without the added financial stress.

Is Litigation Funding Right for You?

At Conditsis Lawyers, we’re committed to helping you navigate the complexities of family law matters. We will guide you through the litigation funding process to determine whether it’s the best option for your case or if other payment options may be more suitable. During your consultation, we’ll discuss your funding options and help you choose the approach that best suits your unique circumstances.

Family Law FAQ’s

Answers to the crucial questions often asked by people about family law.

Divorce is the legal dissolution of the marriage and has no effect on the parenting and property matters (except that parties must commence property proceedings within 12 months of the Divorce becoming final). You must be separated from each other for 12 months before you can file for divorce.

Separation is a traumatic time for everyone involved, including the children. It is best to agree, if possible, on the future arrangements, such as how parental responsibility will be shared, who the children will live with, the times each parent will see the children, and their schooling and other matters affecting the children’s welfare.

The Federal Government has established Family Relationship Centres throughout Australia that provide information and alternative dispute resolution services for separated parents (or parents contemplating separation). Family Relationship Centres cannot provide legal advice. Therefore, it is essential that you are informed of your legal rights and responsibilities before negotiating or agreeing to any parenting arrangements. Clients are not legally represented in sessions conducted at Family Relationship Centres.

Attendance at Family Relationship Centres and other mediation and alternative dispute resolution forums may not be appropriate in circumstances such as where there are domestic violence and/or child abuse allegations.

You can go to Court if there are disputes relating to children, and the Court will determine what is in the “best interests” of the children concerning to issues such as where they shall live, contact arrangements and any other issues that cannot be agreed upon. If parties cannot reach an agreement after attending the Family Relationship Centre, they may then commence Court proceedings under the Family Law Act.

The Family Law Act encourages separated parents to consider resolving parenting issues through informal agreements called Parenting Plans. Parenting Plans must be in writing and signed by both parents and must be made free from any threat, duress or coercion.

Parenting Plans are not registered with the Family Court and are not “enforceable”, and do not create any legal obligations, unless they are registered with the Family Court of Australia.

However, the terms of the most recent Parenting Plan can be taken into account when the Court makes a parenting order. Any previous parenting orders made by the Court can be amended by a new parenting plan. Accordingly, parents should always obtain independent legal advice before signing any document regarding the arrangements for their children. Such agreements may constitute a parenting plan and could play an important part in the Court setting aside existing Court orders.

Although parents should consider making parenting arrangements using parenting plans in appropriate circumstances, where parents want certainty, predictability and enforceability, any arrangements should be formalised as parenting orders made through the Court. In circumstances of violence and abuse, arrangements should always be by way of Court order.

For reasons of stability and certainty, most parents prefer to formalise any arrangements by way of Court orders prepared by one of our Solicitors. This can be done relatively easily where the parties agree (Consent Orders). The process for making Consent Orders is administrative and does not require the attendance of the parents or their lawyers in Court. Each parent must obtain independent legal advice before signing the Orders. Each Solicitor must sign and file a Certificate of independent legal advice with the Application and proposed Orders and file the documents with an appropriate Court exercising the Family Court jurisdiction.

If parents cannot agree on the arrangements for their children, they can apply to the Court for a judicial determination.

In the absence of allegations of abuse of the child and family violence, the Court must, when making a parenting order, apply a presumption that it is in the best interests of the child for the child’s parents to have equal parental responsibility for the child. The presumption may be rebutted by evidence that satisfies the Court that it would not be in the best interests of the child for the parents to have equal responsibility.

When making parenting orders where the parents have equal shared responsibility, the Court is also to consider making parenting orders that allow the child to spend equal or substantial and significant time with each parent.

Substantial and significant time includes weekends, school holidays, weekdays (not being holidays), time that allows the parent to be involved in the child’s daily routine and events significant to the child and also time that is significant to the parent. When making parenting orders that provide for equal time or substantial and significant time with both parents the Court must be satisfied that such an order is in the best interests of the child and is reasonably practicable.

The primary consideration when making all parenting plans/orders is always the best interests of the children. The Court and parents must consider the benefit to the child of having a meaningful relationship with the child’s parents and the need to protect the child from being subjected to, or exposed to, abuse, neglect or family violence.

Division of property depends on a number of factors including (but not limited to): the length of the marriage, who contributed what, whether or not you are able to work and how much you and your spouse are able to earn, together with other factors covered in the Family Law Act including superannuation and the needs of the parties and the children.

This is determined by the Child Support Agency using a formula that considers what the payer earns and the number of children to be supported, the income of the carer, and the amount of time the children spend with each parent.

The assessment can be reassessed and reviewed, and “the review” by the Child Support Agency may also be appealed. One of the factors that can be considered is the cost associated with spending time with the children. There are other factors set out in the Child Support (Assessment) Act.

In circumstances where a party to a marriage or de facto relationship cannot adequately support themselves and the other party has a capacity to contribute to the financial needs of that other party, the Court may order the party to pay Spousal Maintenance to support that other party.

The court encourages ongoing negotiations. In property matters a conciliation conference is often held. If those procedures do not work, a Judge will decide your case.

You can go back to the Court which can enforce the orders and as a last resort the Court can punish someone who refuses to obey orders made by the Court.

The law recognises de-facto relationships if you have been together for more than 2 years, have a child or have made a significant contribution to the property of the other party.

Your lawyer knows the law and procedures to assist in resolving the issues for you. Sometimes it is very hard to be objective when involved in relationship breakdown, and your lawyer can help you see the various reasonably available options. Disputes regarding children, can be very emotional and our Family Lawyers are sensitive to your needs as a parent during these difficult times. Our Family Lawyers will assist you in a compassionate and professional way. We are committed to resolving family law matters by negotiation, where appropriate.

Our Key People | Family Law

Caitlin Jones

Senior Associate Lawyer | Family Law Team Leader – Newcastle

Tanya Hibberd

Senior Associate Lawyer | Family Law Team Leader – Gosford

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